Peter Mygind

Peter Mygind 2019-05-13T08:17:31+00:00

Peter Mygind is known from radio and TV with its many characters.

He is a multi-artist that can accommodate all genres, and can get out in all corners of acting credibility. He is funny and has a special talent to improvise in the possible and impossible situations. But besides being a great entertainer and master of ceremonies, Peter is also a very interesting lecturer.

Peter Mygind lectures:

Lecture 1: Bullying and Violence

The actor Peter Mygind’s eldest son, Julius, was six years ago, at age 14, suffered two violent attacks. This prompted Peter to engage actively in the fight against violence and bullying. Peter has gone one step further and is now current on DR with ‘Mygind Mission’. After Peter Mygind’s son was subjected to assault Peter has held over 200 lectures at schools across the country about bullying and its nuisance. His latest mission ‘Mygind Mission’, six TV programs being broadcast at 20:40 on DR1. Here follow the actor and bullying researcher Helle Rabøls struggle to combat bullying in the ordinary primary school, Hyltebjerg School, in Vanløse from the perception that there are no bad children, only bad patterns.

Lecture 2: Youth and violence

In light of this incident and the frightening number of assaults that take place amongst young people, Peter – including from schools across the country – has been repeatedly urged to give lectures on this subject. He has therefore decided – in between his many other tasks – to allow for this to a limited extent. The lecture is aimed in the first place to the young people themselves, but also very much to their parents and other adults who work with children and young people. Peter also addresses bullying and social responsibility in his lecture.

Lecture 3: Youth and Social Responsibility

A lecture which targets young people as well as their parents and those who work with them daily.

Lecture 4: Job satisfaction and the good life

A lecture that caters for any workplace – everyone can benefit from a fresh perspective on everyday life.

Lecture 5: I did what I wanted

A lecture that caters to those who may need to think a little more on itself or simply become more aware of the strength in his own life.

New talks with Peter Mygind

Find your inner warrior / Are you sick, man!

You have to be strong to be sick. So how do you find your inner warrior, so you and your loved ones get the care and treatment that is needed so that anxiety, sadness and impotence not allowed to manage life.

A humorous and sensitive talks on Peter Mygind’s meeting with the hospital system – both as a patient and relatives.

Peter has even had three blood clots and a heart attack and is caregivers to family and friends including cancer and epilepsy.

There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.

Peter Mygind is an ambassador for the Danish Heart Association, and are happy to share their own experiences.

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